Pork Butt


It wasn’t until I started to cook food on my offset that I fully appreciated the flavor difference. I expected it to be better, but I had no idea how much better it truly was.

Workhorse Pits 1975 Beginner's Guide

Welcome back (kind of). People have been asking for my videos since I shut down my @Offset Rookie channel on YouTube. Unfortunately, I will not be uploading them to my current channel (the reason is outlined in the FAQ below). After much thought, I decided I would put together this course to help Workhorse beginners instead.

One benefit to this format is that I wrote detailed summaries of the videos that can be downloaded as PDFs. I also shared links to any products I discussed so you could find them easier. Some of these products leverage my discount code of RUMANDCOOK to save you 10-15%.

I crammed in 50 cooks in 1.5 years and learned a ton. I hope this content helps you learn from my mistakes and start turning out amazing BBQ quicker!

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

What you’ll learn

  • I cover a lesson on tools and 5 things I have learned.

  • I cover interior, exterior, and the firebox specifically.

  • I cover 9 cooks in this course.

  • I share my first attempt at making sausages. I think it’s important for people to see this so they can try.

    It’s well worth the effort.

Course FAQ

  • There is 1 never before seen video on Live Fire Management. The rest are key videos that were posted on the Offset Rookie YouTube channel.

  • I had a bunch of content that I spent over 1000 hours creating. I didn’t want it to go to waste and thought some would appreciate getting access to it.

  • The issue is I’d have to re-edit them all to align with my Rum and Cook brand, and uploading old videos can hurt my channel because Rum and Cook doesn’t have a huge audience for offset BBQ. When newly updated videos don’t do well, it hurts the channel as a whole.

  • The course is focused on the Workhorse Pits 1975. It applies to all Workhorse products. It also will be helpful to those who own other large backyard offsets such as the Millscale 94.

    It will not be useful for those small offsets you find at big box stores.

  • This course is for those who are new to offset cooking and looking to expand their knowledge.

  • Unfortunately, no I don’t see that every happening unless I switched to a different brand.

  • No, I will use it to promote this course, but please follow me as @1rumandcook on IG.