12 Common Mistakes - Beginner Kamado Grill Owners Make

Whether you are new to a Kamado style grill or have been using one for awhile, you are probably making a few of these mistakes.

12 Common Mistakes - Beginner Kamado Grill Owners Make - Click to Watch Video

While this video is targeting new Kamodo grill owners, I must admit that I made several of these mistakes long after I was new to a Kamado style grill.

Preheat Your Kamado Grill Properly

The beauty of a Kamado style grill is how it cooks your food. Kamado grills leverage the power of radiant heat by soaking all of the heat in the dome and firing it back at your meat. This makes your meat get nearly 360 degree heat firing at it and when done properly, produces an amazing product.

In order for this to happen, you need to give your dome a good 15-20 minutes to preheat once your unit is up to temp. The longer you wait, the better the outcome. Now if you are just grilling some burgers, you don’t need to do this. However for smoking, baking, pizzas, and majority of the other cooks, you are going to wait to give it time for the dome to heat properly.

Don’t Over Correct Your Dials

Kamado grills use lump charcoal, you control the heat by the amount of air that flows through the unit. More air equals hotter temperatures. Typically you will have a smaller opening at the bottom (maybe an inch or two) and then control the temperature by adjusting the top vent.

Make very small adjustments and wait 5-10 minutes to see what happens. It is very easy to over correct and chase your temps. You should also start adjusting about 50 degrees before your hit your target temp. In the beginning it is easy to get it back down, but once your dome is heat soaked, getting your temperatures down will be a challenge.

Don’t worry, after 5-10 cooks you will have an idea of how it works and will get some confidence quickly.

Only 10 tips left!

Be sure to check out the full video to get all 12 tips! There are also 3 bonus tips.

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