12 Common Mistakes - Beginner Pellet Grill Owners Make

Whether you are new to a pellet grill or have been using one for awhile, you are probably making a few of these mistakes.

12 Common Mistakes - Beginner Pellet Grill Owners Make - Click to Watch Video

While this video is targeting new pellet grill owners, I must admit that I made several of these mistakes long after I was new to a pellet grill.

Wait 20-30 minutes after it reaches temp

Pellet grills take awhile to stabilize, after they reach their set temp. Think about any other grill, you don’t throw your meat on as soon as it hits your desired temp, you let the grates get heat soaked first. In the case of a pellet grill they are monitoring the temp and then once it gets there, it needs to learn how your pellets produce heat, how cold it is outside so it can compensate, and this takes time.

For Yoder specifically, it looks at a 4 minute average for temp. If you are tweaking before the temp stabilizes, you will be chasing temps for your entire cook. Don’t think you can outsmart the controller, just give it time to stabilize.

Keep your temperature senor clean

Black attracts heat, your temperature sensor is going to get dirty over time and this will affect your performance. With regular use it will get to be a matte black. This will make your pit read slightly higher than it really is.

If you use a lot of sugary sauces, your sensor can get shiny black and this will really throw of your temp reading. The shiny black will make your pit controller think it is far hotter than it really is.

Just take a blue or green backed sponge to it and clean it from time to time to get the best performance.

Only 10 tips left!

Be sure to check out the full video to get all 12 tips!

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12 Common Mistakes - Beginner Kamado Grill Owners Make


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